Mother's Day Gourmet Apple Sale

Sunday, May 12 | 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. | Connection Points

Hosted by Deaf Teen Quest | Offering delicious apples covered in caramel and rolled in pecans (or not) and drizzled with white and dark chocolate. Sugar-free apples also available. Proceeds from our apple sale help deaf teens attend camp and fund other activities throughout the year.

  • Apples with pecans $14

  • Apples with NO Nuts $14

  • Sugar-free apples with pecans $15

  • Sugar-free with NO NUTS $15

On Mother’s Day, we will have limited number of apples without nuts and sugar-free apples, so you are encouraged to pre-order these by emailing Pam Crosby at by May 6.